At the time of writing, Stitchmastery stitch libraries are available in English, Danish and German. Translations are in progress for several other languages and these will be made available in due course. We would be very happy to hear from anyone who would be interested in translating the stitch libraries into another language – we pay for this work, and can send more information about what is involved before any commitment need be made. Please email for more information.
To use a German or Danish stitch library, select Diagram > Edit Diagram Properties from the main men. The Edit Diagram Properties dialog opens. Under the Stitch Library and Text Templates tab, choose the appropriate stitch library and text template for your language of choice, and check the Refresh text in key box. Your key and output text will automatically be translated. If you choose to export a glossary when exporting your output text, this will also be provided in the chosen language.
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